Reddit tall men intimidating

Reddit tall men intimidating. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever you want. I'm a 5'5" guy, and most of my girlfriends have been taller than me. I've heard "Damn, girl. I seem to have noticed this a bit too. g. My husband (who was also my boyfriend when we were in high school) is 6’6”. I am a 5'1F and I don't get all the hype of men over 6ft tall in most dating apps. Really, the striving to be intimidating is the striving to overcome feelings of inadequacy. A lot of men found this behavior intimidating, often because they found it intimidating from men as well. Tall men are considered better, stronger, more intelligent, superior etc. If it helps, I find that while I have a "type" (tall, skinny, long-haired and pointy-faced enough to play villains in Hollywood movies ;) ) in practice my taste in actual specific men has been quite eclectic -- I have felt attracted to a diverse selection of clean-shaven, bearded, bald, stocky, muscular and short men. Making clothing less intimidating and helping you develop your own style. If he is well over 6 feet tall, extremely muscular, and has an intimidating presence where there are a lot of tattoos or an alternative dressing style. When I was dating, I tended to date people within 6" above or below my own height. They're insecure about their own heights. Being strong, a protector is rooted deeper in the male mind than we'd like to admit, now imagine you're 1. Men who don't give a shit about conforming to societies predefined gender roles aren't usually Intimidated by tall women. Women especially look worried when they see me which is heartbreaking, but I get it and try and keep a respectful distance and I never make the first approach We may be intimidated by someone big and strong because we are afraid of being hurt or we may be afraid of being perceived as small and weak. , a lot of women who say that tall women or successful women intimidate men are somtimes actually intimidated but mostly those women tend to act like you should drop a red carpet at their foot and worship their toes because they have a degree and are above average looking while being 5’10. For example I went on a boat with a friend and I had to leave my stuff behind on the harbor for half an hour. Most people will end up saying something in an attempt to ''defuse'' the situation. it isn't only in the club scene, which i would expect it to happen there anyway since alcohol "Intimidating" is something you can switch on and off at an instant. I'm tall but I don't consider myself abormally tall. I like the short ones. My ideal fit is Small Tall. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever… Yes they are being weird but what im saying is. Being tall (and therefore intimidating) forces them to respect me as a fellow human being and gives me the opportunity to make them reconsider, even if it's just for a second, how they treat other women. Society doesn't consider small men to be masculine. When women are hung up and can't really imagine anything with a guy because he isn't tall enough for her, it's her preference, because it's more masculine, or something like that and it shouldn't be questioned. SHE IS TERRIFYING! [Serious] Women of Reddit - as a tall man, what can I do to not be scary/intimidating if we’re about to cross paths walking? I’m 6’8 and pretty intimidating and scary to people. Of course she must be able to chose between Doctor Who and Star Trek and justify the decision. The men working there said they would keep an eye on our stuff. 284 votes, 72 comments. I have a natural resting bitch face and I'm not very physically expressive so I often give people the impression I just don't care whether they're there or not. Whenever possible I catch them and take them outside. As a female, women are intimidated by women and men when they look really good. It gives them an "untouchable" quality about them. I recently had a date with a quite tall woman she (24F), was about 5’9 articulate, had plans of starting a business. 167K subscribers in the tall community. Mar 5, 2020 · From that angle, it looks like people are contracting their eyebrows in an intimidating glare, even when they are exhibiting the same neutral expression shown in the middle images. Many brands (e. Finding clothes can be challenging. A subreddit for tall-related topics. I'm 5'11", so not tall, but I life and am muscular and people are intimidated and that can be annoying. J. Height is commonly associated with masculinity. Because society judges men on their height. I'm a woman, I have low self esteem. I'm told I intimidate men and women before they speak to me just because of my face and body language. Reply reply Small is a bit short, medium far too baggy (with too big of a neck hole, making tailoring a lot tougher). Women who talk about men being "intimidated" have a character flaw that's preventing men from being interested. I am tall and confident, wear whatever I feel like, heel size included, which seems to make men think I'm doing it to spurn them. Some people are intimidated of big men because they're big Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever you want. It was basically about how women could use what people think of as male character traits to get where they wanted in business. But if he's tall and skinny while you have a more robust and stronger body, then you might be intimidating, although you're shorter. Some are intimidated by a woman who is better at sports. I wasn't intimidated by most men either (well, except the ones that would point their gun at me! Long story) Anywho. Though in situations where I'm emotionally intimidated or intellectually intimidated or just plain intimidated because I think you're so cool- body type isn't really a factor, necessarily. while some of them can be nice and respectful, there are many times (like in the club) when a guy will use his body size to try to dominate the situation. Reply I'm 6'4 (193cm), and I prefer tall women just so that I don't have to look down. It bothers some short dudes just like it bothers some tall women, but I think by and large we're (short guys and tall women) less hung up on it than short women and tall men, because they're not used to having to deal with being the outlier. I really don’t. If he's tall and also strong, then maybe the other guy just has a gentler personality. Are people intimidated by tall men? Discussion. We may be intimidated by intelligence because it makes us look dumb or of power because it makes us powerless. Not as intimidating as others, but I frequently get grown ass men crossing the road away from me at night. Maybe these men were very short in comparison with you and feeling intimidated is as logical as when they feel intimidated by taller men. Jul 27, 2019 · For the shorter guys here, when you encounter a taller guy in public or someone asks about height do you become shy and intimidated? Or is it no big deal. I like the tall ones. We have remained friends since. 704 votes, 360 comments. I guess you could blame the stigma put out there by society that most women want guys taller than they are. They either have small heads,too long limbs, smaller looking PP and weird faces. 85 tall, you've always been considered tall in your group, then you find yourself looking up at someone. Pablo Escobar could be the least intimidating person if he so chose to be. Of course, taller men are not always superior. In the end, if men told you this, you likely were simply too confident and straightforward for them. But few have it for “Small”. Let me list why I think men below 5'9 are hotter : Tall men are less proportioned: after a certain height, men's bodies start to look so "not put together". I love that Nike has small tall: it fits me perfectly. I automatically think that they're thinking horrific things about me. Well it would definitely be weird if I see a woman taller than me, it has never happened before. just like all the other women. Especially shirts. EDIT: It appears being honest and open isn't what people wanted to hear. /r/tall… A bit. I like dark hair. she initiated a conversation with me, was engaging, took my phone put her name and number and left. A 7 ft tall bouncer is physically intimidating 100% of the time yes, but it's his attitude that determines whether he has the intent to hurt somebody or not. So idk if I'd feel intimidated (probably not being tall myself) but I'd feel weirded out. Culturally here in the US at least. So often, women are just walked all over and disrespected by men. I can see women sort of be “on guard” when we’re both walking alone and our paths are about to cross, especially if it’s dark out. Nope. Sometimes it's worked to my advantage, once I got my ass beat because I thought my height could intimidate the situation over. . They get more promotions and attract more women. Shorter men have developed complexes because women often prefer taller men and while I do appreciate the extra attention that my height gives me I gotta say at least from my perspective I don't see a long term future with any woman who isn't near 6 feet tall. Crew, Land’s End) have “Tall” sizes in Medium, Large, etc. I'm intimidated by Rhonda Rousey because she could kick my ass. I always get the feeling strangers are easily intimidated by me. I started my recent job, and my manager is a 60 something women. We aim to foster an environment where everybody feels safe and welcomed and where people feel encouraged to have healthy and productive discussions. I've been seeing this girl lately and she recently told me that she was really intimidated by me for a while because of my height. I’m 6’4 215lbs. That’s the bare bare But it fucking annoys me when women say that men don't like tall women because they are intimidated by them. yet it sometimes feels like tall people are uncomfortable around me, maybe because they are sorry for my, idk, i just want everybody to be happy and comfortable. I always thought that's BS, and a joke that people say. Now these are facts. No, I don't think tall women are intimidating, probably some men are insecure which makes them intimidated. true. They're not. My fiance and I are both avid climbers, so, needless to say, I am around lots of physically good-looking men on a regular basis. However, I'm put off by women who brag about those aspects of their lives. I like light hair. I'm just used to being taller than most people so seeing over everyone's heads seems normal to me. I'm a 6'3 male. Looks ugly as hell. I get the sense that her height and assertiveness intimidated a lot of men. Never has he felt intimidated by the other guys I interact with or felt concern I will be more attracted to another guy. Tall, educated, successful, intelligent, "outspoken" - nothing about a woman is ever "intimidating", unless she's pointing a gun at me. "Lol So Random" I'm annoyed. I'm a short guy (180cm), so women my height or taller isn't very hard to find whatsoever. I'm not intimidated by Ms. As long as they don’t have an attitude about me being tall or anything ofc. Your height wouldn't be an issue for me, but I probably wouldn't initiate anything with you only because I would assume our height difference might be a problem for you. 174K subscribers in the tall community. I'm a chill guy, I don't speak much and my quietness is not an invitation for some fucking weirdo to come doing all this obscene noisy shit in front of me thinking that's impressive. Apr 26, 2003 · I don’t find tall men intimidating at all. It's the ones at least at 185cm (6'1") that I find super-intimidating, though. Most men answering truthfully will probably find it intimidating as height is a marker of masculinity and dominance among men. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever… Not all taller men, but it seems i get hit on by guys who are considerably taller than me (a foot or more) over guys who are closer to my height. Some men won’t be attracted to me due to my tall stature and that’s ok Deluding myself into thinking that men are intimidated is just dumb My mom is tall and she gave me a talk when I was 13 years old saying that guys are intimidated by me ( that’s I see all these threads by tall dudes saying people always pick fights with them, but it’s never hard tall dudes. All the tall girls I know find men that are taller, so it makes me think that I shouldn't bother with girls significantly taller than I am. Personally, I find tall men quite attractive. I think it would be difficult for me to be intimidated by someone a full foot shorter, but I’ve seen some JACKED short dudes that I would not mess with. Just wondering is it possible for us shorter guys to become intimidating/have presence, like the way a 6 foot tall bulked up male sort of automatically can be intimidating? What would be required? Bulk up to 160-170lbs, tattoos? Take up MMA or Boxing? Change personality/attitude? Men aren't intimidated by tall women. I don't even like hurting insects and bugs. Many men are perplexed/irritated by my tall sandals in summer and my tall boots in the fall. I love it. Yeah, I'm more likely to feel physically intimidated by someone I feel smaller/weaker than. We welcome those who want to learn and those who want to contribute. Some are intimidated by a woman who has a better job. Women see tall men commonly referred to as “at least 6 ft” as a bare minimum requirement to even consider being attracted to the guy. 41 votes, 79 comments. Address that flaw. If I'm walking behind someone they speed up. Some men are intimidated by those things, but I think it's fewer than you might think. Yet, I have the opposite effect on tall men, because I don't like them and admittedly, am jealous at tall men. I love women who are tall, attractive, worldly, and financially secure. I usually skip past tall women on dating apps and don't even think about approaching them in real life because I assume (yes I'm an ass) that they are looking for tall or taller men. I'm being biased here, but really it depends on the person. A very big man is intimidating, but for another reason. " People also say I look intimidating and nobody would just pick a fight with me. Also, I find them really attractive. It looks sick when you drop a dude with heaps of height on you; it’s not because they’re intimidated, it’s because they can tell you’re an easy target but you’ll make them look like a hero when they drop you anyway. Only an idiot with zero confidence would find "better looking men" as a threat to his relationship. I personally get intimidated by really really pretty women. as i am a barely 5'0 tall adult guy, i needed to learn how to deal with it, and i had. However I notice and have less respect for tall lanky guys hunching over trying to look shorter. I think both men and women find me intimidating, especially if they do not have self-confidence. It has less to do with them and more to do with my own lack of physical strength (trying to work on this), and it is a reminder of that. All of that reworded properly is that women are attracted to all those things, which means they aren’t attracted to men without them, ie short men. Some like tall women( like myself) and some prefer short. I usually assume men as tall as you don't want to be with a girl over a foot shorter (for practical reasons), nothing to do with you being intimidating. I'm a kind-natured dude though so I never pick fights either. I’m 5’10" myself – rather tallish for a woman – so I really notice when men are tall. I’m a short (5’2”) woman, and some of the kindest, gentlest, least-intimidating men I know are a foot or more taller than I am and weigh 65-100+ lbs more as well. I'm tall (1m91) and fairly muscular (85kg with little body fat) Women will often say "oh, just ask snowbattt, he's strong. of course these things are more intimidating, i get your point. /r/tall: reddit from a higher perspective. Meaning that’s where it starts. I myself am also 5'4", but my body has relatively wider shoulders than my friends' bodies, myself being a swimmer. Reddit's largest men's fashion community. I wouldn't say tall women intimidate or scare me, but there is that assumption that she wouldn't want to date a man who is shorter than her. I really love it. Yes, some are intimidated by tall women. I know it’s an advantage being tall so I have full respect for short guys. I’m a tall woman myself and I’m very feminine so I don’t think I’m intimidating . It is a two-sided coin though, some drunken guys were making lewd comments and putting their hands on women, when they came toward my wife and I they looked and walked away. so can i do more than be just So, all my life, I was never intimidated by a women. Aug 26, 2022 · Research demonstrates we perceive taller men and women as more 'leader-like', deeming them more dominant, intelligent and healthier; tall men are more likely to attain managerial positions. I'm not tall (5'7"), but I'm a fat fuck (18/20st) so I look big and intimidating and all my life I have been very aware of the worry in people's eyes when they see me for the first time. 170K subscribers in the tall community. I have had many instances where someone was needlessly intimidated by my size, be it from kids or dogs or other adults. I am 5'9" (5'11" with the shoes I wear) skinny mixed black woman, and often when I walking by a stranger in a white area, I notice white people will treat me as a threat and acted intimidated/scared of me when I stand near them or behind them. Like give me a break. 5’6” male 145lbs here in my early 30s. 6’7 If you don’t give off aggressive vibes, you won’t seem intimidating even if you’re tall. Most of the men in my family are taller than you, so I am very used to being around tall people and am tall myself. I have a friend who is 6'5" and 260 pounds. I'm almost as big as you (6'1") and 140kg. unlzgs zbojdf zfklim ztztt osrf nohkde kzfm enw ehdwxbh twuu
